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Born 20 year ago at Jakarta and big in Depok. In all day long he looks for something in his life  especially having the character of Theology and Science including Spiritual and also to Spiritual. This Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Figure Admirer have finished and studied from kindergarden till the College, which ended inIf You To Download Please Go To Gallery the year 2002. He have followed a lot of Workshop Courses in some place, start from Peripheral Hardware till artistic software and also Design and Multimedia.

In The Way of live his hobbies follow activities start from Self-Defence Pencak Silat, Rohis till the Student Senate. He start to follow Pencak Silat from the year 1993 until  2001, he became a Coach in a Private School at Depok. Then he followed Rohis since 1996 until 1999 at public school in Jakarta. Till the end he joined a Student Organization and constituted as Suksesi Team and Formator Team, and now he take hold of as Security Coordinator.

In the early year of 2003, he put hand to a Printing Company of Elektronic Pre Press in Desa Putera, If You To Download Please Go To GallerySrengseng Sawah Jakarta and take hold as Image Setter and he ended his job in the middle of the year, then he put hand to a Institution of publik ownership in Agriculture Department ( Dewan Gula Indonesia ) as Technical Support  during one year. And now he put hand to a private enterprise in Jakarta which is active in System Network ATM  ( ATM Bersama ) And Now I am Active in System Informasi Debitur ( SID ) for BANK INDONESIA until now.

In all day long he enjoy gather in an organization, and he even also like to collect books and also the superhero toys and otomotif miniaturs. He likes exercise especially swim and Mie Ayam.


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